
Afterletters was published in 2014. It's available from Book*hug.
There have been some nice reviews from Douglas Barbour, Nomadic Press, and Contemporary Verse 2. There's also a video interview, a q&a with Phil Hall, and a feature in Open Book Toronto about the book.
From the reviews:
“Afterletters strikes a balance of Bachmann’s more reverent tone and Celan’s adamant questioning. Punctuation and form take on both Bachmannian and Celanian uses and shape.” — Michaela Mullin for Nomadic Press
“This is a stunning first book.” — Douglas Barbour for Eclectic Ruckus
“A vulnerable yet composed collection of work.” — Contemporary Verse 2
“Star-crossed lovers might be a familiar story, but in Kolewe’s hands, the story of poets Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann takes on a life that is tense and lush, pulling a reader through the claustrophobic pressures of fate.” — Open Book Toronto